In my journal this morning,
I asked
"What would you say to me, LORD?"
Glorious riches.
Finches in the snow in your spruce tree.
Glorious riches.
A pen, blank pieces of paper, and time with Me.
Glorious riches.
My voice.
Glorious riches.
Paint, art supplies, scraps of wood, and a mind of ideas.
Glorious riches.
A demand that is greater than your supply of art pieces.
Glorious riches.
Spiral index cards that you are memorizing
of My word that is like fire and like a hammer
to demolish road blocks ~ strongholds in your life.
Glorious riches.
A walk outside with your camera.
Glorious riches.
A healthy family.
Glorious riches.
Children who seek and love Jesus.
Glorious riches.
Safety, warmth, food.
Glorious riches.
A hard-working, fun-loving husband.
Glorious riches.
Peanut butter.
Glorious riches.
Stick people drawings with sunshine over their heads.
Glorious riches.
Kutless singing Give Us Clean Hands on your mp3 player.
Glorious riches.
The dishwasher is working.
Glorious riches.
A bouquet of authentic friendships.
Glorious riches.
A bouquet of authentic friendships.
Glorious riches.
Glorious riches.
God will meet all your needs
according to His glorious riches
in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
I asked a friend for prayer this week
about my looming fear of having to work
at a job I hate
while someone else enjoys
the delightful days of Erin's growth and youth.
Ideas for writing, teaching and art are springing into my mind.
I listened to Beth Moore teach on
praying God's word.
The weapons of our warfare are mighty
in God for demolishing strongholds
and any high thing that exhalts itself above God.
She taught of putting His word above the
strongholds until they topple over
and are demolished.
His word like fire and a hammer to destroy even rocks.
~Jeremiah 23:29~
The Word that He gave me was
"I will meet all your needs according to
My glorious riches
in Christ Jesus."
It is toppling over my stronghold of fear.
My friend replied back in an email
that sometimes the enemy makes our fear
seem like the only viable option.
But it is not.
Glorious Riches.
This is what is happening in my heart
and the photos are
in my studio this week.
Check out the other Studios here: Studio JRU.

copyright 2011 Jodene Shaw.