"One Day" Online Class project preview and supply list

an online class
on courage and art

Project Preview.
Register and video message here: 

Without spoiling surprises, 
here's a preview of the planned projects 
for our class beginning on January 11, 2016.
Remember this is self-paced and the classroom will remain open
as long as I am teaching online classes.

Lesson on beginning one step at a time. 
Project: Small art collage project on 4x6 inch canvas.

Lesson on hopes and dreams, edges and fears. 
Project: Guided journaling activity.

Lesson based on Parable of the Talents. 
Project: decorate journal cover with collage of paper and paint

Lesson on the breaking free
               from things we give power over our lives.              
Project: Sticks and Stones craft project following outdoor walk.

Lesson on continuing the journey and 
having something to lean on greater than yourself.  
Project:  Making your own walking stick and an outdoor walk.


Lesson on contentment, fascination, and everyday blessings.  
Project: Taking pictures on a photo walk and creating a photo collage in your journal.

Lesson on legacy. 
Project: Writing letters to your beloveds.

Final lesson on the culmination of what you learned
 from the videos and your projects.   
Project: TODAY collage on wood or 12x12 canvas.

Each lesson can take as little as an hour or be stretched into the length of time you want and/or need.  
This is entirely self-paced and will always be available to you as long as I have an online classroom.  
It is my intention to grow and develop my online classes for years to come.  We will have an optional Facebook group in which you may share photos of your projects and/or have discussion.  Also, each lesson will begin with videos of me sharing my message for your heart followed by project videos to guide you.  Project videos will give step-by-step instruction as well as support the theme.

One Day Suggested Supply List:

Note that these are suggested and what I will use, however, you can alter your projects based on supplies you already have
or that you prefer to work with.

*Spiral Bound Journal or Sketchbook with unlined pages

*Decoupage (Mod Podge)

*Sponge Brushes and an economy pack of paint brushes

*Patterned papers like old book pages or scrapbook paper

*Sandpaper medium grain

*Computer with printer or typewriter

*2 Black Sharpie markers: 1 chisel tip, 1 fine tip
*Stretched canvas (you can use the economy brand and style) a 4x6 and a 12x12 (or whatever size you like)
Instead of canvas, you can use a board with a smooth surface for a collage/paint project.

*Beading wire (you can find this in the beading section of craft stores)  16-20 gauge is good. You want to be able to bend it with your fingers easily.

*Hammer and nails or tacks

*Twine and/or ribbon

*Found objects like sticks, heart shaped stones, buttons, beads, postmarks from envelopes, meaningful bits of handwriting and papers.

*Acrylic paint (Level 1 or Academic grade) in Raw Umber (brown), Titanium White, and your choice of 3 to 5 colors.  Note: you may also use craft paint (less expensive) or heavy bodied acrylic fine art paints (most expensive).  Or just use what you already have.  

1 comment:

  1. This looks so lovely, Jodi...Blessings and prayers on all your endeavors in this!


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