Friday, July 26, 2013

Simple. Silent. Prairie. Ranch. Beautiful.

Summer mornings.

The best time of day on the ranch.

It's early and cool.



Except for doves cooing.

Wide open.

Big land under big sky.

Loving my morning walk

on the western South Dakota prairie

after a much needed mid-summer rain

that turns everything from gold to green

like a magic wand.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Painted Prairie Songs ~ What it's all about.

On Saturday, July 27,
I am hosting an art & photography retreat-style class
at my home, indoor and outdoor, on Shaw Ranch,
on the western South Dakota prairie.

It is called Painted Prairie Songs
because it is inspired by the
wildflowers that paint the prairie that is filled with bird-songs.
Wildflowers and birds that express everyday beauty
and love of God who cares for us
so much more than these flowers and birds.

I have to tell you
that it is not just about art.
It is not just about photography.
It is so much more than that.

Art supplies and projects
and cameras
are simply the tools that I use
to open my own eyes and bring into focus
so much more than pretty things.

You do not have to be "creative".
You do not have to be "an artist".
You do not have to be a "photographer."
You do not need to have fancy skills or equipment.
I just use these things to help you see and think.

The things I will share
started with blank journals and scrapbooks and a point-and-shoot camera for me.
I started scared to death buying my first "grown-up" art supplies.
How could purchasing paint and brushes and glue make me feel so vulnerable?
But it did.
I will talk about that.
I will talk about the fear of messing up that holds us back from even starting.
And about the courage of taking first steps and how the mundane and even mess-ups
contribute to the beauty in the end.

So here is a little bit of what my classes are about...

It is about 

opening the eyes of your heart.

It is about

seeing beauty in the messiness and busy-ness of everyday life.

It is about slowing down

and thinking about 

what you want your life to be about 

and how you want to live.

It is about creating something

that helps you remember

a life lesson you have learned,

or gratitude instead of grumbling,

God's goodness and love,

how far you have come,

an "a-ha moment", or

words that you want to live by.

It is about

thinking about "what I am thinking about."

It is about getting rooted and grounded in love and truth.

It is about your


It is about acknowledging your here and now

as well as the stirring in your spirit of what is calling you.

About listening to the deep interests and passions

that exist within you full of purpose and intention.

It is a day

to quiet yourself down.

To be still.

To listen.

To give thanks.

To honor.

It is a day for me to share with you

the things that have helped my heart, mind, soul and spirit

and to pass it on to you.

It will be rich

in spirit

in truth

in uniqueness

in authenticity.

It is a day for you to be renewed.

You can join me by registering here:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Saturated in Purple Cone Flowers

One of the ways



fall in love

with the prairie

is with focus.

I love these

purple cone flower


almost as much


I love sunflowers.

Just saturating

myself in their beauty

brings fascination


what is simply along the roadside.

And that makes me



for the road --

for seasons --



How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways . . . 

How many angles,
how many views,
how many perspectives,
how many stages,
how many ways

can I photograph a purple cone flower

so that each view is unique?

so that each view takes the breath?

so that each view increases the love for here and now?

If you would like to spend some time
getting more comfortable with your camera
and learning some creative ways to "focus and fall in love with here and now"
check out my "Painted Prairie Song" retreat-style class here 
at Shaw Ranch, White Owl, SD
on July 27 from 1:00-8:00 p.m.
Registration is here:  White Owl Wings Classes

To be notified of upcoming classes for adults and also for kids,
sign up for my newsletter at the top of the right hand column of this blog.

To see photos of my recent classes with kids, "Sunshine On My Shoulders",
 check out my previous posts here:


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

On Abundant Life ~ Photo Journal

The past two weeks have been a definition of abundance.

Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly."
So . . . thank you Jesus, for the blessings of abundant life.

Abundant family.

Abundant love.

* Dawn Wink sharing love for prairie, writing, art and life.  Visit her Photo journal here:  Dewdrops *
* Her new book Meadowlark will be available July 30, 2013.  View the gorgeous prairie cover here:  Meadowlark *

Abundant new friendship.

* Shopping with Missy at another new friend, Kelly Hoffman's, GASP Studio booth at Kountry Junkin'

* Invitation to apply for 2013 First Lady's Prairie Art Showcase in Pierre *

Abundant opportunity.

* Fourth of July Tradition: dinner and cards and creek-wading at Walker's Cabin *
*Add in discovery of "gold" in the creek for this year!*

Abundant tradition.

Abundant celebration.

* Celebrating RAIN. *

Abundant coffee.

Abundant freedom.

Abundant sunshine.

Abundant learning.

Abundant courage.

Abundant cuteness.

Abundant thoughtfulness in bouquets of flowers.


Abundant creativity.

Abundant silliness and giggles.

A "Grandma Linda" created dress passed on . . . 

Abundant sharing.

Abundant ideas.

Abundant simplicity.

Abundant cuteness {did I say that already???}




Abundant expression.

Abundant conversation.

Abundant coffee {oh, yes I said that one already too!}

{Many thanks to Missy Urbanik and Jenn Stomprud for helping me out with photography for this post and the last two posts as well!  It's hard to teach and photograph at the same time!}