It is one of those months
in which
I have random pieces
all over my house
in various stages of completion.
I like them incomplete.
I especially love
the morning sunshine
that casts shadows and gold
through the windows.
Everything looks its best in that light.
Our calendar swells with activity.
Our life is full.
Our life is good.
I find myself saying "no" to lots of great and wonderful things
so that I can just be in the presence
of my family
in the precious few hours each week that we have together.
If I don't keep my head and heart in check,
I get overwhelmed.
You too?
So, to beat the overwhelms,
this morning, I started to work on this piece:
Just do what you can do today.
My kids always joke that I need to keep one of these for myself.
Yes, they know me best.
They know that the things I make are not things I have mastered
but things I need to remember.
I ruffled through my stash of papers and happened upon
some prints my mom had made of my grandma's diaries for reunion decorations.
I randomly selected one to fit in the theme of just today.
I didn't even read it.
But as I began to adhere it to the board,
I read:
Chilly day warmer this afternoon.
Ground white with snow this morning
all gone by noon.
Tommy did the chores and feeding.
Had to get a cow in tonight and sew her up.
Had the whole thing out.
Oh yes, indeed, Grandma Edna and Grandpa Tommy, just doing what you can do today.
If you have not raised cattle, you might know about cattle that hemorrhage their entire uterus.
It is by far one of the most difficult, messy, frustrating, yucky jobs on the ranch...
and sometimes the mama cow just can't make it after that kind of trauma.
That was Grandpa Tommy's "just do what you can do today".
I continued to read the part I had cut off
learning that my grandma had gone to town, cleaned house except for the kitchen
and to top the day off,
one of my uncle's got shot in the mouth with a BB gun
"fooling around"
as she put it.
My uncle was fine.
Just spit the BB out.
Friday, April 19, 1963.
Just doing what they could do that day.
~ * ~
Find me here this fall:

and here:
Saturday October 11 from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
at Create!Studio in Rapid City
Click the link above for all of the details and to register.
And soon to be announced,
but mark your calendars...
a class at Sturgis Photo and Gifts, Sturgis, SD,
on Thursday, October 23 from 6-9 p.m.
Here's a clue:
I will also be at the Wink Ranch at Howes, SD on October 25.
Official details coming tomorrow!