Right Here.
Right where I am.
Yesterday morning I went for a walk.
Here. At home.
As an afterthought ~ I grabbed my camera.
My camera is a window.
To my world.
That sharpens my sight.
With it in my hand ~ I look ~ I peer into my world.
Where some worship with song. . .
My worship of God is best expressed
In delight of really seeing
My worship instrument is not a piano
Not a guitar
A camera.
In Ecclesiastes, it urges..."Do not let the foreigners steal your joy"
Foreigners to God's perfect creation
like weeds, sickness, tangled webs of wounded hearts, harsh winds on the face & soul, plagues.
Look past the foreigners to see the beauty that is still there
Despite the fallen world around us.
His glory is still here.
To see.
To savor.
Gold is not found in a mountain of pure shimmer.
It is found in the deep dirty darkness
Of a mine.
It takes looking.
This prairie is a mine.
Filled with beauty.
It just takes looking.
Savoring the beauty
among the thorns, the grasshoppers, the wind, the mud.
It takes intention.
My camera
Gives me intention.
Helps me see and celebrate
And savor the season that I am in.
Thirty-six years old.
Wife of a handsome good-hearted rancher.
Mom to kids 10, 8, 3.
There is much to savor
About each of these seasons.
Right where I am.
Right here.
C~2010 Jodene (Jodi) Shaw