Friday, January 28, 2011

A Little "Tappity"

Each day


jeans and shirt

end up in a heap on the floor.

Traded in

for a twirling dress

or princess clothes

and her

"tappity" shoes.

Happy to be back in the studio with Studio JRU and the Sneak Peak friends for Friday
with these happy little photos that
I did a bit of processing with.
If you'd like to see the art in my studio lately,
check yesterday's post HERE.

great news
my e-course Believe Truth is running again
with new dates
beginning February 7!
Click here for details:  Believe Truth E-Course Details
Click here for a Sneak Peek:  Believe Truth Introduction
I'd love to have you join us!
Michelle in Alberta, Canada is leading a discussion group through it
and inspired a second running!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

As I share these latest
mixed media pieces with you,
I want to share a bit
of my mental battle.
Because really,
if I only post the creations,
one might think I blissfully
create along
with no struggle.
But I want you to know
that I fight for what I believe in
in my own head
on a regular basis.

So . . .

Just being real,

today was one of those days that

I decided to confront

some of the nagging thoughts in my head

about art ~ painting ~ photography ~ writing.

About me in those roles.

To acknowledge the thoughts were there.

Write them down and bring them to light.

Expose them.

So that I could see the truth.

There is that voice inside me

that lacks self-respect and confidence

for my own strengths.

Is it just me?

Or does anybody else

have a voice in their head

that sneaks in and condemns

the very things that are loved,
that I have deep interest in and passion for,
even the things where I am strong.


The thought-voice is

like it is dismissing me.

As irrelevant.




I live on a ranch.
But I am not a ranch-woman.
{I know, I know . . . whatever that means . . . a generalized stereotype}
I also am not a super cooking, housekeeping homemaker either.
{another stereotype floating around in my brain}.

But I am a writer.
I am a reader.
I am a researcher.
I am an artist.
I am a photographer.
I am a mother.
I am a wife.

Even if I am not
employed in any of those roles.

But, just being real.

These are some of the thoughts

that I struggle with.

As I learn to embrace who I am.

And who I am not.

And that it is all ok.

That what I am not

does not diminsh who I am.

That each of our uniqueness





has a point

is intended

is on-purpose.

That includes me.

That includes you.

Be Who You Are
Be Real
Savor Life

I believe in that.
And sometimes

P.S. My Believe Truth e-course is running again with new dates
Starting February 7!
Click Here for Details:  Believe Truth e-course

Monday, January 24, 2011

Established Hands & Guarded Hearts

Two new pieces I put together
over the past few days.

The first is inspired by
my prayer for
my husband. . .

He works hard as a rancher
here with his family.
Carrying on a legacy
of a great-grandfather
who immigrated from Ireland
over 100 years ago.

It is my prayer that the work of his hands
would be established
~ held up ~ strengthened ~ solidified
by the Lord.

Those of you that work
outside year-round in the weather
are familiar with the yellow chore gloves.
The way they smell when they are new.
The feel of them...
the warmth.
But also the cold
when they get wet.
And the smell of them
in the spring.
When the baby calves
are dropping into the snowbanks
and have to be brought in
on a calf sled
to the barn
or to a calf heater
or to a bathtub
to be saved.
In the middle of the afternoon
in the middle of the night
when the snow is blinding
or when
the mud is relentless.
The season will come soon enough.
And several pairs
of these yellow gloves
will be thrown away.
Before the season is finished.

And so I pray
that God would establish
the work of these hands
in these gloves.
Make the work firm,




The second piece is a verse for me.
Reminding myself
that is ok

to protect my heart.

It is ok

It is ok to have a fence
with a gate.
It is ok to have walls
with doors and windows
to open and shut.
To welcome in
and to close for protection.

It is ok to protect that which is sacred.

And I hope
to teach
my kids
to establish
and guard
The part
of them
that is for
the few
that have proven
for themselves
and God.

When it is ok
when it is ok

There is a time for both.

Copyright 2011 Jodene (Jodi) Shaw
Branching Out Art & Photography

Friday, January 21, 2011

When you've lost belief ~

This piece

was born

out of the memory of
a heart's cry


When my beliefs
about who I was
and how I would make my way

in this life

were challenged.

My heart's cry was this:
"I don't believe in myself anymore."
This is what I heard
in the quiet stillness of my spirit . . .

Little by little
it has been changing me
from the inside out
ever since.
The change
is a relief.
The change
is good.

{Whew.  Deep breath of stepping out with my heart here in this one.}

copyright 2011 Jodene (Jodi) Shaw.

Even though it isn't officially started back up yet,
I am sharing this as my
Sneak Peek
In The Studio
which you can read about here:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Crown ~ Abundance ~ Authenticity

I joined Beth Moore's
"Siesta" Scripture Memory Team
as a simple goal for 2011.

Every 2 weeks we memorize
a personally selected scripture.

My first verse for 2011
is Psalm 65:11.
You crown the year with Your goodness,
And Your paths drip with abundance.

I don't know if I will make an art piece
for each scripture.
But it sure helps cement it in my mind,
when I engage myself
in the imagery of it.
And I do love the imagery
of this verse.

I see how it was true for me in 2010.
And I look forward to the truth of it for 2011.
He crowns the year with His goodness (not mine).
His paths (not mine) drip with abundance.
It is interesting to see what that looks like.
How His goodness blesses me ~ blesses each one.
How His path for me is unique ~ for each one is unique.
How He walks us through our seasons of joy and pain.
And how His goodness is in there amidst all of it.
And His path is walked not alone, but with Him on the journey.
Whereever it may lead.
Alongside me.
It is not how I plan or expect.

I also made this piece
on request.
"Be Authentic".

Bloom your sincere, genuine, authentic,
unique bloom.

Our authenticity
has seasons.

being dormant
being planted in the dirt
invisibly growing roots
fruit bearing.

I'm learning to be kind and gentle
to myself
and others
in my various seasons

Copyright January 2011 ~ Jodene (Jodi) Shaw.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tea Time Is Good Medicine

I have been fighting a case
of post-Christmas, depth of winter
blue - blahs
this week.

Erin hears the words
"Tea Party" from the media
{even though it was used in politcal context}
and has a
"Great Idea".
"Let's have a tea party!"

The dress-up box is flung open;
clothes are flying all over the floor.
She tries on a lovely white with greeen trim
Scarlett O'Hara inspired dress.
But proclaims, "These are not my favorite colors."
Back to the box.
And here is the result:
"Take a picture of me with Toby."

Our menu: 
{which she packed into a purse made by my mom}
generic Walmart smiley-face fruit snacks
orange cheese cracker packaged sandwiches
an apple.
We added some graham crackers.
I had eggs.
While I had tea, she had hot cocoa with marshmallows.
She tried "pinkies-up"
but couldn't hold the cup and the pinky up
at the same time.

Good Friday mid-morning
for winter blues.