Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Standing on the Edge of Me

It is Day 3 of Leslie's 31 Day Creativity Challenge
over at her {Words of Me Project} blog.

She asked us to think of 3 words that mean the most to us right now.
Here are mine:
And maybe I'm cheating a bit here,

but instead of creating a new piece of work today,

I'm stealing a page from my scrapbook dated March 2009.

It was in the midst of this "new thing" happening in my life...

I kept thinking I was at the brink. . .

Only to find that each day is a new brink.

But this page displays all that was and has been churning within me.

And I have an idea.


I have an idea that I am super exited to announce.

Of all this coming together.

Of that picture of all those paths in yesterdays post from my journal

in the first sketch the paths were like spokes.

But in the second were weaved together to make one new path...

and this is requiring creativity in me and partnership with the Ultimate Creator...

I think I have an idea of how to weave it all together.

And I don't have to wait for a publisher to accept my manuscript.

{although, I'm open to that in the future}.

But how I can bring my heart together to touch, teach, lead, counsel the hearts of women.

And I can use all these things I love to do.

So . . . I am not going to announce it yet.

Praying.  Making sure.  But thinking this is it.

And you can be a part of it!!


Here is a quote I want to share:
"In retrospect, I can see in my own life what I could not see at the time--how the job I lost [left behind] helped me find work I needed to do, how the 'road closed' sign turned me toward terrain I needed to travel, how losses that felt irredeemable forced me to discern meanings I needed to know.  On the surface, it seemed that life was lessening, but silently and lavishly the seeds of new life were always being sown."
~"Let Your Life Speak", Parker Palmer

love and grace to you my readers,
my supporters,
my encouragers,
my friends, 


  1. oh my gosh...first let me say i have thought many times about doing a canvas with this line from switchfoots song(i saw them in concert...YOWZA!!), i still may do one some day...your pages are so full of promise. change. growth. busting out!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jodi...I agree with Bev...your pages are so filled with emotion. Truly inspiring.

    I will email you in just a sec:)

    So happy to be on this path with you, girl!

  3. lovely page jodi...its so nice to do pages of ourselves...with our own faces looking

  4. Wow... what a great page! Powerful. True. Sounds like to you have so many wonderful coming up... I am SO happy for your friend!! :) Can't wait to hear more about it all!


  5. each day IS a new brink! you're right- thx!!


Welcome ~ share your beautiful thoughts.